Random: April 2009 Archives

A galaxy to be at home in.

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raspberrydaiquiri.jpgThe papers love to get over-excited about scientific research, turning two and two into about nineteen, but the idea that the centre of the Milky Way has something marginally in common with a raspberry daiquiri is too good to ignore. 

It might be nonsense, but Douglas Adams would approve. Cocktails all round! (recipe here)

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The party's site of which I am rather proud

Along with Jeff (formerly SNP Tactical Voting) and Malc (formerly In The Burgh), I now co-edit Better Nation, a group blog. Stuff will still appear here, but more will be there. Better Nation

About this Archive

This page is a archive of entries in the Random category from April 2009.

Random: February 2009 is the previous archive.

Random: May 2009 is the next archive.