The Register picked up some
interesting spam today, in which someone claiming to be Patricia Hewitt claimed to have squirrelled away £6.3m of public money, and that it is now being made available on the usual terms.
This is of course our old pal the
"419 scam", albeit a bit closer to home than the usual I AM MRS
And of course, transparently absurd. Hewitt would never have done something so criminal.
No, instead she and the New Labour government
wasted £1bn, more than 150 times as much money, on management consultants for the NHS. Odd, perhaps, given that she herself
worked for Andersen Consulting until New Labour took power.
Countless billions more were put into PFI schemes, often benefiting the same consultants in other ways. Don't get them confused with medical consultants, who actually do something useful.
£14.2bn was wasted on an ill-conceived and ill-implemented IT system.
But that's all perfectly legal, so why should we worry about it? Here's one thought, though. We'd all be almost incalculably better off if she'd just nicked £6.3m and given it away through random spam instead.
Postscript: it's perhaps not surprising that she's taken a well-paid
second job with BT, who she's helped out in the past.